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Annual Garden Party, First Sunday in May CANCELED

Tor House Garden Party: CANCELED

Sunday, May 3rd, 2-5pm

Garden party is a celebration of Springtime: the season of new beginning in nature and in the arts - all the many arts that, over the years, have flourished at this special place. First, the poetry of Robinson Jeffers and of those he inspired. As in the past, docents will be available to explain the collections and to read Jeffers poetry in the very places where his words were first imagined. The visual arts must yield second place. Kris Nardello, of Santa Cruz, once again will demonstrate, at the Garden Party, the wheel and the art of spinning. Besides weaving, plein air painters will attempt to capture the beauty of the gardens in full springtime bloom. Visitors are welcome, this one day during the year, to take photographs. And then there is music: Among the many musicians will be, as last year, students of Rose Marie Dunsford. The plaintive cry of Ed Jarvis’ bagpipes will waft over the party. And, of course, the culinary skills of docents and professional chefs will make for a truly memorable “English” Spring Garden Party, tea and punch, sweets and savories assured. Admission to the event is $20 per person. Children must be over the age of ten. Please, no pets of any age. Weather is changeable in May, so be prepared for bright sun, ocean mists, or gentle breezes..

